The Bulletin 28 February 2018 Term 1 - Issue 6


AISWA Professional Learning and other educational events, news and information

Featured AISWA Professional Learning
Date Event Title Code
Mar 6 2018
Specific Learning Difficulties - Primary
  • Inclusive Education
  • Psychology + Wellbeing
Mar 12 2018
CANCELLED - The Great Nudge Quest: Stretching the top 40%
  • Leadership
  • Part 1 12th Mar 2018
  • Part 2 25th May 2018
  • Part 3 8th Aug 2018
  • Part 4 13th Sep 2018
Mar 12 2018
Specific Learning Difficulties - Secondary
  • Inclusive Education
  • Psychology + Wellbeing
Mar 13 2018
IE Networking Session - Primary
  • Inclusive Education
Mar 14 2018
IE Networking Session - Secondary
  • Inclusive Education
Mar 15 2018
Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) & the Disability Standards for Education (DSE)
  • Inclusive Education
Apr 9 2018
Aspiring Leaders
  • Leadership
  • Part 1 9th Apr 2018
  • Part 2 26th Jun 2018
  • Part 3 12th Sep 2018
Apr 18 2018
Developing your Portfolio of Evidence for Full Registration
  • Leadership
May 10 2018
The Intelligent Lead - Leadership Development through Coaching and Training
  • Leadership
  • Part 1 10th May 2018
  • Part 2 11th May 2018
May 10 2018
Women in Educational Leadership Network Meetings
  • Leadership
Jun 19 2018
Leading the team not just the people: team leadership for middle leaders
  • Leadership
Jun 20 2018
The High Performing Senior Leadership Team
  • Leadership

AISWA Publication - SALE

Get discounted prices on your favourite AISWA publications - visit
Remember to log in to our bookstore to receive further member only discounts
For more information, please visit the website on

Shaping Our Future: Education 2030 Conference 2018 | Saturday, 14th April  2018 | 9am - 4.30pm 

** Early Bird Registrations have been extended to 9th March**
This Conference is intended for all WA educators from the early years of professional practice to advanced levels of teaching, leadership and policy.
Topics include: A New World Order, The New Learner, The New Teacher, Capabilities for 2030, Future Assessment, Innovative Learning Environments, Evidence for Learning, Student Engagement.
For more information, please visit the website on

Commissioner for Children and Young People School and Education Consultation Seminars

These free seminars outline the findings of the Commissioner's recent consultation with 1,812 WA primary and secondary students which was undertaken with support from the Department of Education, Catholic Education of WA and Association of Independent Schools of WA. The report identifies the factors that influence engagement in school and learning and key findings all education sectors need to consider. 
For more information and to register please see click on the below links (One of the seminars will be filmed and made available for regional educators). 
North metro - Wednesday, 21 March
East metro - Tuesday, 10 April
South metro - Wednesday, 11 April

1 Minute FILM Competition

The 1-Minute Film Competition is an initiative of Australian Teachers of Media (ATOM). It provides Australian and New Zealand primary and secondary–school students with the opportunity to make a 60-second short film or animation, and win fantastic prizes in the process.
The theme for this year’s competition is Memory.
For more information please visit the website

Positive Schools

The Positive Schools Conferences are Australia’s premier wellbeing and mental health conferences specifically for all Primary and Secondary Teachers, School Leaders, School Psychologists and Allied Professionals.Finland’s Professor Pasi Sahlberg leads an unprecedented line up of more than 40 presenters to take us into the future of wellbeing in schools.
For more information please Click here

Department of Fire and Emergency Services  DFES

North West Bushfire Patrol is a WA curriculum linked primary school resource which aims to provide teachers in the Kimberley region with geographically and culturally appropriate resources to help teach students about bushfire. This exciting new program will provide students with the knowledge and skills on how to prevent, prepare for and respond to bushfires in their communities.All teacher resources are located on the DFES website at these locations:
Pre-primary – Year 3:
Year 4 – 6:


DRUMBEAT Quest is a rhythm-based adventure game that combines the positive neurobiological effects of rhythm with gaming to engage young people in social emotional learning. DRUMBEAT Quest Program have been able to secure funding from a private donor to provide all Australian schools with the following sponsorship offer.
Sponsorship Offer: Buy a DRUMBEAT Quest desktop package and receive a free eDrum Add-on Pack (5 additional eDrums) (valued at $849)
To apply please complete the attached EOI form and return to us. Applications must be received by 13th April 20
Please find attached school Flyer and EOI form  DRUMBEAT Quest school flyer.pdf
DBQ Sponsorship EOI 2018.doc

2018 Resilient Australia School Awards | 5 March 2018 - Online submission portal opens

The Resilient Australia School Award celebrates school projects that make communities more resilient to disasters.The award recognises community engagement and innovative problemsolving – creativity and collaboration are encouraged!
All Australian schools are eligible to enter in their state or territory. State and territory winners will be considered for the national award.
For more information please click on the link
For Submission portal please click here

School Plus 2018 Smart Giving | Submissions open at 9am AEDT on Monday 5 March 2018.

It’s an exciting opportunity for eligible schools to receive funding of up to $75,000 for a project that will bring about profound change for students' learning. On Monday March 5, schools will be invited to lodge a simple Expression of Interest (EOI) to be matched with a donor who will provide funding for a significant project designed to improve student outcomes.
For more information please visit the website