An updated Australian Curriculum was endorsed by state Ministers for Education on 1st April 2022.
Ministers considered the final draft earlier this year and were supportive of the revisions to 6 of 8 learning areas, as well as the cross-curriculum priorities and the general capabilities. Further revisions were requested in Mathematics and the Humanities and Social Sciences, which have now been approved.
Australian Curriculum – summary of key changes
- the removal and reduction of content so the curriculum can be taught with depth and rigour, including a 21% reduction in the number of content descriptions, which describe what is to be taught and what students are expected to learn
- a stronger focus on phonics in English
- a stronger focus on students mastering the essential mathematical facts, skills, concepts and processes, and being introduced to these at the right time
- making clear what mathematical computations need to be done without a calculator, reinforcing the importance of achieving proficiency in foundational skills
- a revision of the sequencing of content in Mathematics, in particular, telling time, introduction of fractions, recall of multiplication facts and the solution of linear equations
- lifting standards for Mathematics in Year 1 in relation to addition and subtraction, and with additional content setting expectations about recall and proficiency with multiplication facts (“times tables”) beginning in Year 2.
- prioritising Australian history in Year 9 and 10 within a global context • deepening students’ understanding of First Nations Australian histories and cultures, the impact on First Nations Australians of the arrival of British settlers as well as their contribution to the building of modern Australia
- strengthening and making explicit teaching about the origins and heritage of Australia's democracy and the diversity of Australian communities
- strengthening the explicit teaching of consent and respectful relationships from F–10 in age-appropriate ways • addition of privacy and security in the Digital Technologies curriculum
- strengthening the focus on students being physically active and content with a focus on activity in natural and outdoor settings.
- strengthening the Foundation year by identifying the essential content to teach in the first year of school across all 8 learning areas.
ACARA is also undertaking further work in the important area of mental health for young Australians. This will be reflected in later updates to the Health and Physical Education curriculum.
ACARA's full Media Release can be found here.