National Quality Standard in Action Publication

On behalf of AISWA, Department of Education and Catholic Education WA, we are thrilled to announce the launch of the National Quality Standard in Action: Western Australian Schools publication. This resource, born from the collaboration of WA’s three education sectors, showcases the incredible quality of early childhood education across our diverse schools. It highlights the shared commitment to ensuring the best outcomes for children from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 2, with contextualised stories of practice from schools in remote, regional, and metropolitan areas. 

Chris Massey, Executive Director of AISWA, expressed, “This unique cross-sectoral collaboration not only reflects the strength of early childhood education in WA but also demonstrates our shared commitment to quality practices that will benefit children and educators alike.” We were honoured to have the Hon. Sabine Winton MLA, Minister for Early Childhood Education, as a special guest at the launch, recognising the importance of cross-sector efforts to elevate early childhood outcomes in our state. 

Early Childhood