Child Protection

Psychologists and School Counsellors - Mandatory Reporters of Child Sexual Abuse

As you would be aware, Psychologists and School Counsellors become Mandatory Reporters on 1st May 2024. There have been enquiries across the education sector particularly as to the definition of the school counsellor role.

The definition of these new roles under the Children and Community Services Act (CSS) are: 
1.    Psychologist is defined as a person registered under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (WA Act) 2010 in the psychology profession (other than as a student).  
2.    School Counsellor is defined as an adult who is employed or engaged in a school, (as defined in the School Education Act 1999 section 4), to provide counselling or pastoral care to children who attend the school. It does not include adults employed or engaged as a student or volunteer.

It is therefore reasonable to consider that roles within schools whose job description include the terms counselling / pastoral care would be considered mandatory reporters.

Examples of these may include but are not limited to:

•    Chaplains/Chaplaincy workers
•    Counsellors 
•    Qualified school wellbeing officers
•    Social workers and
•    Youth workers.

We advise that these roles and consequently the expectations and responsibilities, be clearly documented and understood.

Please note: Some of these roles (listed above) may already be included in a position such as teacher or minister of religion and are as such acknowledged that they are included as a specified person separately in the CCS Act. 


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