Investigating Mathematics K-2 - Andrea Hillbrick

PL # 12115

  • Starting on 26 Mar 2019
  • Cancellation permitted until 18 Mar 2019
  • Event registrations closed on 22 Mar 2019

Delivery Format :

Event registration is Closed


If you worked alongside Andrea in 2018 you will know that this professional learning session will be 'jam-packed' with quality teaching ideas. Be prepared to view, discuss, create, think, participate, collaborate, record and reflect!


The is an opportunity to explore engaging learning experiences with a focus on mathematicians asking questions and investigating the possibilities.

The professional learning will focus on:

- Presenting mathematics investigations in an engaging and purposeful way

- Supporting mathematicians to pose and investigate questions

- Highlighting the importance of mathematical thinking and talk

- Using materials to support mathematicians to be creative

- Implementing open mathematics investigations

- Using experiences to drive the investigating of mathematics


Andrea Hillbrick

Andrea Hillbrick

Andrea is a Learning and Teaching consultant based on the Great Ocean Road in Victoria, Australia. She is committed to planning and implementing an inclusive approach to professional learning that everyone wants to be part of, inspiring and empowering her colleagues to transfer new learning to their classrooms!  Andrea often shares that the best part of her work is that she gets the opportunity to collaborate with so many educators across Australia, and beyond. 

Find more out about Andrea at: 

Terms & Conditions

Please click here to view our general terms and conditions


Event Segment

Date / Time

26 Mar 2019 Starts: 08:30 Finishes: 15:30

Delivery Format : In Person

Boulevard Centre (The) - Floreat

PL Hours : 6.50

Learning Area

  • Early Childhood
  • Mathematics

School Area

  • Preschool (PK-K)
  • Early Childhood (PK - 2)
  • Pre-Primary
  • Year 1
  • Year 2

Event Contact