This Network is for AISWA Principals and Executive Team staff who are in the early stages of their role and/or those who come with experience, but are new to Western Australia. It is intended that you will be able to serve as a resource for one another and share questions and discoveries.
We will meet each term to share solutions to current issues and questions, whilst enjoying the collegial interaction over a light lunch.
The general format for each session will consist of:
1. A themed presentation
2. Group contextual discussions around what's working well and what requires a helping hand?
3. How to leverage one another for support.
Meika Pfeiffer-Gough (AISWA Staff)
Manager | Leadership And Teaching Excellence

Meika Pfeiffer-Gough is the Leadership and Teaching Excellence Manager at AISWA, part of the Curriculum and School Improvement Directorate. With 19 years of experience as a teacher and leader across diverse PK-12 educational settings, Meika is committed to promoting excellence in teaching and leadership. She highlights the importance of emotional intelligence and relational trust in building strong, respectful connections within school communities, recognizing these as essential for creating positive learning environments and inspiring growth. Passionate about leadership development, Meika works to empower confident, reflective leaders who drive collective success.
Nancy Pavisich

Nancy Pavisich is a Leadership and Quality Teacher Consultant. With a focus on leadership, change management, induction, mentoring, and coaching, Nancy has worked with leaders, consultants, corporate clients, teachers, mentors, and coaches to grow and develop them personally and professionally. She has researched, designed, implemented, and evaluated system, organisational, team, and individual programs across Catholic, Government and Independent Schools. Nancy has a Ph.D. in Mentoring, a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership, and qualifications in Business Management and Strategy, Neuro leadership, as well as Training and Assessment. With extensive experience as a senior leader in schools, Nancy is also a Lifestyles and Group Styles Inventory, DISC, EQI.20., Print and Educator Impact facilitator. Currently, Nancy lectures in Leadership and Education at Edith Cowan University, is a Sessional Tutor for the University of Notre Dame and also shares her expertise in leadership as a facilitator of the Australian Institute of Management MBA program. She is also qualified as a Life Coach. With a passion for growing and developing individuals and teams, Nancy’s leadership and teaching and learning practices are underpinned by evidence-based research and are documented in various professional and non-professional journals. Nancy was the recipient of the New Voice Scholarship Award (2020). In 2021, Nancy was recognised by ACELWA with a Certificate of Excellence in Educational Leadership, and in 2022, Nancy was awarded a Post Graduate Award from the Western Australian Institute for Educational Research. Nancy was also awarded the ACEL Fellowship Award in 2022.
Terms & Conditions
Please click here to view our general terms and conditions
Day 1 - Themed Presentations, Contextual Discussions and Networking
Date / Time
8 Mar 2024 Starts: 12:30 Finishes: 15:30Delivery Format : In Person
PL Hours : 3.00
Day 2 - Themed Presentation, Contextual Discussions and Networking
Date / Time
17 May 2024 Starts: 12:30 Finishes: 15:30Delivery Format : In Person
PL Hours : 3.00
Day 3 - Themed Presentation, Contextual Discussions and Networking
Date / Time
23 Aug 2024 Starts: 12:30 Finishes: 15:30Delivery Format : In Person
PL Hours : 3.00
Day 4 - Themed Presentation, Contextual Discussions and Networking
Date / Time
8 Nov 2024 Starts: 12:30 Finishes: 15:30Delivery Format : In Person