A professional learning course for teachers wishing to develop knowledge and skills in Languages curriculum.
This professional learning program is held over 7 days throughout 2021. It is designed to provide teachers with a collaborative and supportive environment through which they can engage with contemporary approaches, and future challenges associated with the implementation of the Australian and Western Australian Curriculum for Languages.
The program provides a rich blend of theory and practice that is designed to have immediate practical applications within the classroom context to facilitate cumulative language learning. The structure of the program supports teachers practising new approaches and provides structured opportunities for feedback to help language teachers reflect on, question and improve their practice.
This course will be particularly advantageous for those teachers who have had limited opportunities for professional learning within the area of Languages, and for classroom teachers whose main cohort are students for whom English is an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D). The Many Languages-One Methodology course has been offered by AISWA for more than a decade and assisted many practising teachers to up-skill and engage in valuable second language methodology training. The course content is similar to the semester-long unit Teaching Second/Foreign Languages (EDN556) at Murdoch University and participants may apply for advanced standing upon completion of the 7-day course and successful completion of additional assigned tasks.
The program is underpinned and informed by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Standards.
It is expected that teachers registering for this course will attend all 7 sessions.
Course dates:
Phase One
3, 4 & 5 March 2021 (Wed-Fri)
Phase Two
17 & 18 May 2021 (Mon-Tues)
Phase Three
29 & 30 July 2021 (Thur-Fri)
Kate Reitzenstein (AISWA Staff)
Consultant | Teaching And Learning - Languages

Kate Reitzenstein has worked as Consultant for Languages of the Association of Independent Schools of WA since 2014. She organises professional development activities and provides advice to schools and teachers on policy, curriculum and resources. Prior to this role, Kate worked as an Indonesian language teacher for fifteen years at three secondary schools, with experience using the Curriculum Framework and the Middle Years Program and Diploma Program of the International Baccalaureate curriculum. She has worked as an EFL/ESL teacher in Australia and abroad, and has had experience as an International Student Coordinator and at establishing overseas school partnerships and in-country study tours. Kate places importance on effective language teaching methodology and the need to link theory to practice in the Languages classroom.
Dr Lindy Norris

Dr. Lindy Norris has worked within teacher education for in excess of twenty years. The principal focus of her work is languages and literacy education. Her teaching and research activities have encompassed professional development for language educators, curriculum design and accreditation, program implementation and evaluation, and also leadership and change management within languages education.
Lindy is particularly interested in second language teaching and learning, and her work here has explored areas as diverse as program quality and sustainability, different cultures of learning and interculturality, and second language learning for children with special needs. Her research and teaching have focused on languages in Australian schools, and English as an additional or foreign language both in Australia and also within international contexts.
Terms & Conditions
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Event Segment
Date / Time
3 Mar 2021 Starts: 09:00 Finishes: 15:00Delivery Format : In Person
PL Hours : 16.50
Event Segment
Date / Time
17 May 2021 Starts: 09:00 Finishes: 15:00Delivery Format : In Person
PL Hours : 11.00
Event Segment
Date / Time
29 Jul 2021 Starts: 09:00 Finishes: 15:00Delivery Format : In Person