Staff Code of Conduct

Learning Area

This professional learning session will outline the requirements for a Staff Code of Conduct, which must comply with the current Registration Standards for Non Government Schools in Western Australia, including Standard 4 (Staff) and Standard 10 (Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse).
The requirements of a Code, guidelines for compliance, obligations for staff and procedures for detecting and reporting suspected or actual Code breaches will be discussed as well as guidance on personal and professional boundaries in relation to adult and student interactions.

This session will look at the requirements of a Staff Code of Conduct with specific reference to Child Protection, as this is a requirement under the Registration Standards for Non-Government Schools in WA. The Staff Code of Conduct must be compliant with the requirements of Standard 10: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse and Standard 4: Staff.
The session will outline the required content including its provision, guidelines on how to comply, professional learning, assessing staff commitment and obligations of all staff to detect and report suspected and/or actual breaches of the Code including procedures on how to report concerns.
Guidelines around appropriate and inappropriate personal and professional boundaries in relation to adult and student interaction will be discussed and strategies for prevention, detection and reporting of suspected and actual grooming and child abuse will be articulated.
The value of thorough implementation will be summarised and why simple provision of copies of the Code of Conduct to staff is deemed not to adequately demonstrate compliance with Standard 4 Staff (4.4).

Due to the nature of the content, anyone under 18 years may not attend.