The Bulletin 23 August 2018 Term 3 - Issue 7


AISWA Professional Learning and other educational events, news and information

Featured AISWA Professional Learning

Murdoch University Mondays@Murdoch

August 20th 4:30-5:30pm Making Transformation a Reality Through the 4Cs
Please join the Murdoch School of Education for a seminar presented by Dr Michael Anderson, Professor of Education at The University of Sydney and Dr Miranda Jefferson, co-founder and innovative practice leader of 4C Transformative Learning.

Western Australian Student Number (WASN) requests for 2019 - (Schools and other education providers are asked to note that Thursday 14 February is the first due date for student registrations)

SIRS Administrators, School Leaders - All current students in Western Australia should have been allocated a Western Australian Student Number (WASN), and be registered with the School Curriculum and Standards. This number remains with the student throughout their school life. Schools need to recognise the importance of the WASN to avoid duplication of records and maintain continuity of student data.

From 8 October 2018, schools will be able to request WA Student Numbers through SIRS for Kindergarten students only commencing in 2019. If a student other than Kindy arrives at your school from another WA school,  please check to see if they have a WASN first using the ‘Search for WASN’ process – explained in ‘How to Search for WA Student Numbers in SIRS’ in the Link Expired 

If you cannot locate a number, then contact and give details of the student’s legal surname, legal first name, date of birth and academic year.  It is also useful to include your school code in any correspondence. Numbers will be sent back where allocated to students and new numbers requested for those without.

All secondary schools with a Year 7 intake can send a complete list (spreadsheet) of Year 7 students entering their school, including the student’s legal surname, legal first name and date of birth and we will look up the numbers on their behalf.

Lynn Galbraith (08) 9273 6702

"Imaginarium - a place for minds to expand and soar"

October 2018 - Holiday Courses - Click here for more info

WAIER Research Seminar September

Relief teachers' access to employment and professional learning - Click here for more info