Leading Languages 2013

As teachers and advocates of language learning, all of us are leaders and all of us can be better leaders. The 2013 cohort of AISWA languages leaders shows how much can be achieved in a short time.
The teachers undertook five days of professional learning about leading a languages program. Mentored by Dr Lindy Norris, Mr Nic Norris and Ms Claire Leong, the teachers met in terms one, two and three to examine and practise whole school planning, goal setting, negotiating and writing a languages policy.
Many of the participants expressed initial wariness about taking on a leadership role but all were glad of the opportunity, identifying growth in confidence as the most significant outcome. They cited a relaxed atmosphere and the practical application of strategies learned as outstanding features of the course.
In this video the languages leaders report on their aspirations for the course and what they have achieved as a consequence of their leadership training.
View photos from the course and look out for future Leading Languages courses in Professional Learning.
NEWS FLASH Building Asia Capacity in Schools, a 2014 conference for Principals and school leaders will be held on Monday 10 March 2014.