Action Research Projects

AISWA promotes sectorial engagement in action research projects through partnerships with organisations and local universities that aim to improve educational practice, student engagement and school leadership. Action research projects provide professional learning opportunities for educators to engage with evidence-based research to improve teaching and promote collaborative change.

AISWA is committed to sharing evidence from action research findings to help to inform practice within the Independent School sector. 

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Creating Texts with 21st Century Early Learners

This project provided teachers with ongoing and multi-layered professional learning experiences about the teaching and learning of written communication in early childhood.

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History in the Making

A collection of Teaching & Learning Programs based on the Australian Curriculum where primary students consider the past by actively engaging in the historical inquiry process.

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Taking Action: Students as Global Citizens

This project provided professional learning for teachers of Humanities, English and Technologies subjects. Projects combined aspects of human rights and social justice.

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Amplify: Designing Bright Futures

Amplify aims to increase the proportion of students who are deeply engaged in their learning by developing teaching, learning and assessment practices that promote engagement.

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Global Competencies in Action 2021

This publication originated as an interdisciplinary Professional Learning experience for teachers of Humanities, English, Languages, Science, The Arts and Technologies subjects.

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Global Competencies in Action 2022

An exciting interdisciplinary PL experience for 6 AISWA schools. They designed socially purposeful projects, exploring real world environmental issues & sustainable development.

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