National Certification Month

March is National Certification Month where we celebrate as a profession the Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers who have completed the National Certification process and we encourage those considering applying to make the commitment to pursuing registration and to further develop their expertise. 

National certification is awarded at the Highly Accomplished or Lead career stages of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and provides a rigorous and reliable measure of high quality teaching. The two stage process requires an applicant to demonstrate the impact of their teaching through a portfolio of evidence as well as an observation of practice. It is a voluntary process and based on the notion that teaching is not a static profession, nor is it an individual endeavour. As teachers progress in their careers, they gain knowledge and develop expertise. They then use this to lead and impact the practice of their colleagues. Their understanding of student learning deepens, as does their understanding of the impact of their teaching on student learning. 

AISWA is the certifying authority for member schools and consultants are available to talk with Principals, leaders and teachers about the process of Certification and to support teachers and Principals throughout the application and certification process. 

To find out more about National Certification on our website or contact Nicola Davidson or Samantha Wynne.


"All students deserve the best teaching because among school related factors, teachers have the greatest impact on student performance. Therefore it is vital that as a community we recognise, promote and support quality teaching in order to improve outcomes for all students. This month provides the opportunity to recognise, promote and honour the impact of great teaching. 

While the impact that quality teaching has on student learning and achievement is of importance, the impact that expert teachers can have on their colleagues and school communities is also profound. Expert teachers have the capacity to enhance the practice of other teachers and improve the learning experience for many children.

Promoting the impact of great teaching, valuing expert practice and encouraging more teachers to become nationally certified can invigorate the professionalisation of teaching and increase teaching quality across Australia, leading to better outcomes for all students.”  AITSL 

Leadership, Teacher Capacity
National Certification
Highly Accomplished
Lead Teacher