Lifting the Lid on Words and Pictures: AISWA's Newest Publication

Lifting the Lid
Lifting the Lid on Words and Pictures: Brett Healey looks at The Watertower by Gary Crew and Steven Woolman

Lifting the Lid is AISWA's newest publication and is now available for purchase from the AISWA Bookstore.

Creativity is beautiful. It can also be a warping, battering, ragtag grouping of ideas. It flows through the creator and results in something truly extraordinary. The essence of creativity is in its playfulness and its risk seeking bravery. Together, they inspire the creator to create. How, then, do we integrate creativity into everyday schooling where thinking creatively becomes a focus of the learning process? How do we help children to become creators?

Following the Australian Curriculum’s learning continuum of critical and creative thinking, tasks outlined in this resource are linked to the key ideas: inquiry, identifying ideas, reflecting on thinking, and analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures. Developing thinking dispositions is the aim of this resource while literature is the focus or lens by which thinking is achieved.