Announcing AISWA's Partnership with BrightBytes

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AISWA is pleased to announce a new partnership agreement with BrightBytes a research driven, learning analytics company and developer of the Clarity software platform. How do you know whether your technology programs are impacting student learning as you intended? BrightBytes Clarity is an online software platform that saves you time and money by measuring and then delivering easy-to-use, customised technology plans to you. The platform translates complex analyses and cutting-edge research into fast actions that improve student learning.

The facility collects data from administrators, teachers, students and parents with results helping school leaders:

  • measure technology decisions and investments
  • better understand the impact of technology spending on student learning
  • assist the development of targeted strategies for professional development, and
  • ultimately position your students for success with technology in the 21st Century.

Under the terms of the agreement, AISWA will provide Level 1 technical support and data analysis support to help drive real benefits for participating schools. 

Staff at Independent Schools can read more about the platform and partnership via the BrightBytes section of the AISWA website, located in the member portal resources.

BrightBytes Information Session for AISWA Schools

Principals and ICT Leaders are invited to attend an AISWA hosted information session at 9am on Wednesday 23rd November at AISWA. For those that cannot attend in person, a ‘GoTo Meeting’ session will be broadcast simultaneously. Please register for the event via the AISWA website and indicate which session you will attend.

Learning Analytics
ICT Leadership
21st Century Learning
ICT Capability
ICT Integration